Friday, December 12, 2008

Just a little randomness.

I enjoy learning new things about people, especially if they're the most random facts that you'd normally wouldn't think to ask. So I decided since this is my first blog, I'm going to write a few random facts about myself.
  • I love polka dots, hence the reason behind my background.
  • My hair hasn't been it's natural color since maybe the second grade.
  • I'm a New Year's Eve baby.
  • I drink too much caffine.
  • I like to sit upside down whlie listening to my iPod.

Now, I want to know about you guys. :] So leave comments on this blog with a few random facts about yourself and maybe start a funny conversation.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. there are a lot of polka dots in the backround....

    i like pie

  3. Can you guess who it is? Lets see...random things.
    Just became uncle 7th time.
    Like Cheese.
